6いいね 55回再生

The Third Culture Kids

In this session, Tim Sullivan and Maya Matsuoka welcome film director Mari Robinson. We will talk about Mari's short film introducing the struggles and revelations of children who grew up exposed to a mix of cultural influences.

We go live at 8:00 am Tokyo time on July 24, Wednesday. If you are a third culture kid or the parent of such, tune in and share your experiences with us!

A big thank you to our sponsors:
Kanachu.com offers bilingual support in buying & selling real estate in Tokyo and Yokohama. For customized support, contact James Howell at james@kanachu.com at Kanchu (Kanagawa Chuo Jutaku).
Connect with James at www.linkedin.com/in/jameshowell86/

Houze Inc.: Offers bilingual support in custom home design, renovation, reconstruction, and commercial building construction.
For bilingual support, connect with Hana at www.linkedin.com/in/hanako-urushizawa/

Connect with Timothy at www.linkedin.com/in/timothylangley/
Visit Langley Esquire at langleyesquire.com/
Connect with Maya at www.linkedin.com/in/maya-matsuoka/