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Learn German | Fragepronomen "welch-" | Interrogative pronoun | A1 - Lesson 53

#LearnGermanOriginal #LearnGerman #GermanLevelA1
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Learn German Lesson 53 - Interrogative Pronoun "welch-" | Interrogativpronomen "welch-"

In Lesson 53 we are back with some more grammer for you. In this lesson you will learn about “Interrogative pronoun – welch- / which”.
In German language you will come across the interrogative pronoun ‘welches, welcher, welche’ etc often. In this lesson you will learn, “When to use it? and “ How to use it?:
All this you will learn in this lesson. Since ‘welch-‘ acts like an article, it has to be declined. Learn how to do that in this video.
At the end of the video you will find a table with all the possible endings for well keeping the article and case (akkusative, nominative and dativ) in mind.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write!

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