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Horizon Livelihoods | Way to grow

A livelihoods project in Odisha, is turning the tide for 30,000 farmer families, once on the edge. The farmers, dependent on agriculture, would migrate to nearby cities for temporary jobs, but Tata Trusts' Lakhpati Kisan Livelihood programme, opened their eyes to new possibilities. They learnt that by diversifying and adding allied livelihood options such as livestock rearing, they could significantly enhance their income. "The programme has been a boon," said Ms. Majhi, one of the many farmers who can now provide healthy food, education for their children and a pucca house.

Read more: bit.ly/3IoAqQJ

#RuralDevelopment #LakhpatiKisan #Livelihood #Livestock #EmpoweringFarmers #AgriculturalInnovation #Farmers #Harvest #TransformingLives #ImprovedLivelihood #SDG1 #TataTrusts