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#藝在社區 #communityengagement


影片記錄了何博士、周老闆與大專學生共同製作扭鐵花器物的過程,展現了他們對工藝的熱愛。💪🏻 大專學生更在中小學教授「扁鐵扭花工作坊」,展現工藝傳承的可能性💡


This project was possible thanks to artist-in-residence Dr. Ho Siu-Kee, who explored the crafting of iron floral scrolls in Tai Kok Tsui. Through community surveys and local metal craftsman Mr. Chow's verbal account, we witnessed the neighbourhood’s historical changes and appreciated valuable craft demonstrations💁🏻‍♀️

The video captures the creative journey of Dr. Ho, Mr. Chow and their students as they bring floral creations to life, fuelled by their passion for the craft. 💪🏻 Students also led 'Iron Floral Scrolls Workshops' in primary and secondary schools, sparking fresh ideas for passing on this exquisite art form💡

See for yourself the timeless beauty of iron floral scrolls and its evolution in modern society. We hope to raise awareness and support for this craft, so that it can be preserved for generations to come✨

🌟Follow @retaikoktsui to watch the full video!

主辦機構 Organiser: @hongkongartscentre
資助機構 Funder: @urf.hk
駐留藝術家 Artist-in-Residence: 何兆基博士 Dr. Ho Siu-Kee
計劃夥伴 Programme Collaborator: @douchaiarts
地區合作夥伴 Local Collaborator: @jieyeah1_1
支持院校 Supporting Institutions:
香港藝術學院 Hong Kong Art School
香港浸會大學視覺藝術院 Academy of Visual Arts - HKBU
香港中文大學藝術系 Department of Fine Arts, CUHK
#香港藝術中心 #HongKongArtsCentre #轉角 #RETaiKokTsui #大角咀 #CommunityArt #公共藝術