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Exercise Your Body To Build a Resilient Brain - Dementia Prevention Program: Module 3 - Lesson 3

Aerobic exercise, strength and resistance training, complex sporting activities enhance your brain health; a sedentary lifestyle damages your brain health. I’ll show how to design a scientifically proven, simple exercise program that you can do at home to boost your brain health and prevent mental decline.

The key take aways from this lesson are:.

Aerobic exercise gives your ageing brain a constant supply of new brain cells, increased plasticity and connectivity, improving your ability to make and retain memories, keeping your brain young.

Resistance training positively affects brain function, improving connectivity between brains cells, promoting the growth of brain cells, improving memory and decreasing inflammation.

More complex sporting activities - like tennis - provide more protection against mental decline than simple exercises like treadmill walking.

+With the home exercise program in your dementia prevention toolkit, you have can introduce simple, easily achievable aerobic, strength and resistance, balance and flexibility training into your daily routine to improve your brain health.

Module 1: What is dementia?
Lesson 1 - Dementia is NOT an inevitable part of getting older
Lesson 2 - Warning signs of dementia
Lesson 3 - What are the types of dementia?
Lesson 4 - How dementia changes the brain
Lesson 5 - What causes dementia?

Module 2: Risks of Developing Dementia
Lesson 1 - What are the chances of inheriting dementia
Lesson 2 - Changing lifestyle habits that lead to dementia
Lesson 3 - Reducing a woman’s risk of dementia
Lesson 4 - Preventing diabetes to prevent dementia
Lesson 5 - Avoiding toxins that damage your brain

Module 3: Dementia Prevention Toolkit
Lesson 1 - Change your brain for a better life
Lesson 2 - Eat the right foods to nourish your brain
Lesson 3 - Exercise your body to build a resilient brain