How to start your freelancing career from Nepal and earn dollars by using platforms like Upwork. In this video, I guide you through the steps to find high-skill online jobs in Nepal, build your profile, and succeed as a freelancer. Whether you're a writer, designer, developer, or digital marketer, learn the tips and tricks to thrive in the global freelancing market.
0:00 About freelancing platform in Nepal
1:30 Fundamental of Freelancing
1:43 Skill for freelancing in Nepal
3:05 Exposure to freelancing in Nepal
4:38 Realistic Expectations while doing freelancing in Nepal
5:48 How to make a portfolio in Nepal?
7:10 Social proof to do freelancing in Nepal
8:21 How to get the client in the freelancing platforms from Nepal?
9:06 Testimonial, Referral, and reach out
10:33 How to receive payments from freelancing platforms?
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