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The Letter I Song! |Let's Learn & Sing! | Fun Learning Songs for Kids

Come and sing about the Interesting Letter I!

I is for Ice cream, yummy and sweet,
In our bowls, it’s such a treat.
"Igloo" cold and made of ice,
Isn't "I" just very nice?

"I, I, I," we sing with glee,
"I" is fun, as you can see.
"I, I, I," so bright and wise,
With "I," our imagination flies.

"I" is for Inchworm, wiggling slow,
In the garden, watch it go.
"I" for "Insect," buzzing bee,
"I" is interesting, don’t you agree?

Let's draw an I together
One line down, easy as can be
a cross at the bottom and one at the top
You're doing great, dont stop. Dont Stop!

#letterabc #toddlers #abcsong #alphabet #songsfortoddlers #earlylearning #songsforkids #alphabetsong #learning #kidssongs