Background Music: Stranger Things Theme Song
"Stranger Things Theme Song" is under a Creative Commons license (Creative Commons – International Recognition 4.0 – CC BY 4.0)
This field is designed to supercharge your DNA, reverse all damage and unlock dormant light codes which may have been suppressed by environmental stressors, contaminants and certain 'medicines' made mandatory upon the population.
Light codes are believed to be energetic frequencies, symbols, or patterns that carry transformative information and assist in spiritual growth and developing certain abilities. These codes are said to activate dormant potential, elevate consciousness, and connect individuals with higher realms of existence.
Human potential is not limited to the physical and intellectual but rather there is a subtle force within us which has unimaginable power. This knowledge is suppressed and gatekept in modern times. Sometimes this is necessary as many are now too programmed by the matrix to understand.
True potentiality is unlocked when one connects with Source and their Soul Reality gets activated.
By supercharging your physical and spiritual DNA, this field serves to help people in their journey of ascension.
With constant regeneration of your DNA, you can expect faster healing and greater well-being as well as an anti-aging effect. These are benefits on the physical level.
The potential for certain supernatural abilities being unlocked with time is also possible with this field.
The programming, based on new scientific evidence, works with your genetic memory making you more open to epigenetic changes which should allow for morphic fields and subliminals to work more effectively. Your genetic memory will now be more 'open' to updates, downloads and energetic programming of this nature.
A couple of minutes per session
1 to 3 times per day
Can be looped for a while but no need to overdo it.
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