Full Presentation: shorturl.at/emQRU
Event: International Distribution Summit at EWIP European Work in Progress in Cologne, Germany (October 2022).
The key questions for the entertainment industry are 'who is my audience?', 'why would they be interested in my content?', 'what parts of my story will engage with them?' and 'how do I reach them effectively?'. These are the questions that I have built Gruvi around. Our ethos is all about The Audience: every product we build, every service we deliver, is orientated towards delivering MEANINGFUL answers to those questions.
Gruvi is a media-tech company that specialises in working across the value chain of a film’s release. We have products and services that work for producers, distributors and exhibitors. Through this experience, we have an innate understanding of digital audiences and how they interact with films and online ticketing. We focus on how our clients harvest audience behaviour, through the development of gold standard ad operations underpinned by data capture systems, data warehousing and visualisation technologies, and then apply these to the campaign in order to drive optimal engagement and sales.