Today we are going to meditate on pure existence. Short meditation on pure existence. That which has no name.
Make yourself comfortable. Bring your attention inside. Focus on the breath. In breath, out breath, in breath, out breath, in breath, out breath, …
That which has no name
That which no words can express
That which rises through the heart
That which spreads through the heart
That which absorbs everything
That which everything melts and disappears into
That which has no ground
That which has no meaning
That which is full of emptiness
That which shines from inside
No words can describe
No sight can see
Suspended shiny emptiness
Full to the brim
The heart is singing
With no song to be heard
All is empty
and singing with light
Nothing inside nothingness
Empty shining emptiness
Spreading through the heart
And everywhere
There’s nothing that is not everywhere
Nothing that is in
And nothing that is out
Full of empty nothingness
Shining through the heart
And everywhere
That which has no name
And no words can describe
That which is everything
And nothing
And all there is
Without a name
There are no distinctions
And all is one
That which has no name
And no words can express
Sinking deeper and deeper
Into it
Getting absorbed more and more
Into it
Getting lost inside it
Nowhere to be found
Inside it
Becoming a light within the light
Inside it
And all is exactly right
Exactly as it needs to be
Inside that which has no name
Which no words can express
Which is nothing
And all there is
Pure existence
Thank you.
Take care