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"Remembering Our Heroes: Veterans Day Tribute 2023" #veterans #veteransday

River’s Edge Pharmacy honors those who have served and sacrificed for our country. We will spend this day remembering and honoring the countless men and women who have served in the United States military. We thank you for your service and wish you and your family happiness and health.
#VeteransDay #ThankYouVeterans #LandOfTheFree #HomeOfTheBrave #Gratitude #salutetoservice
Our team of pharmacists, technicians, and care experts at River’s Edge Pharmacy serve as patient advocates by combining professional expertise with caring support. These services are all part of River’s Edge Pharmacy’s commitment to helping patients live better lives while navigating the complicated world of medicine and health insurance. To learn more visit us at www.repharmacy.com or call us now at 1.866.413.3156