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The Magician Explained - Tarot Talks SHORTS at Zina's Place! ONE MINUTE TAROT CARD LESSONS!

Welcome to Tarot Talks at Zinas place!Let’s talk about THE MAGICIAN. The Magician represents personal power and the self confidence to realize you have all the tools you need to make things happen. You are being asked to create the life you want using what is already surrounding you.Let’s take a closer look: THE MAGICIAN stands before the Alter of Harmony. He is dressed in red and white symbolizing his alignment from head to toe. The four suits of tarot sit on his table: The Wand of Intellect for Fire, The Sword of Positive Action for Air, The Chalice of Pure Emotion for Water and The Pentacle of Stability for Earth. They are his (and yours) to do with as he chooses. The symbol of infinity circles his head reminding us to have patience with Divine Timing; an important partner. With his magic wand raised to the sky as his left hand points to the ground he is saying, “As above so below” Keywords to remember for this card are: creation, confidence power, skill, and miraclesThe Magician! Tarot Talks…at Zina’s Place! @zinasplace #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsyoutube #shortvideo #shortvideos