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BEARDED REEDLINGS Tits on Reeds & Grit Tray

The Bearded Tit (or Bearded Reedling) are only present in a handful of reedbeds across the U.K. and are extremely rare and difficult Birds to see for most of the year, spending their time deep in large reedbeds, feasting on insects.
The males actually sport a black 'moustache' rather than a beard, so their name to me is a little strange and perhaps the 'Moustache Tit' would be more suitable? What do you think?
To avoid having to migrate South in winter, the Bearded Tits change their diet to reed seeds.
This is crucial in order to survive the long, cold winter.
However, their bills are not strong enough to crack open the tough seed shells, so they also have to eat grit which grinds the hard seeds into a digestible pulp.
At RSPB Leighton Moss Nature Reserve, grit trays are strategically placed and an area of reeds are cut back, giving us Birders a much better chance of spotting these incredibly beautiful cinnamon-colored Birds, mainly during October. There is no guarantee that standing by the grit trays for many hours will reward you with any sightings and some folks spend days waiting and may see one or two Birds, in dull Winter light.
I chose a day and a grit tray that would be lit up with the forecasted sunrise. It was still dark when I set my tripod up and I was the only one there. Over the next hour or so, I was joined by 4 photographers. We soon heard the unmistakable 'ping' sound, of the Bearded Tits and the first Birds appeared, followed by many more!
It was an absolute thrill to see so many and a memory I will treasure.

0:00 The stunning male Bearded Tit.
0:52 The beautiful female Bearded Tit.
1:52 Many Bearded Tits digesting grit from the tray.

Description in OTHER LANGUAGES: Hindi - Portuguese - Indonesian

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दाढ़ी वाले स्तन - रीड और ग्रिट ट्रे पर रीडलिंग - Panurus biarmicus

दाढ़ी वाले टिट (या दाढ़ी वाले रीडलिंग) वर्ष के 11 महीनों के लिए देखने के लिए अत्यंत दुर्लभ और कठिन पक्षी हैं, जो अपना समय बड़े रीडबेड में गहराई से बिताते हैं, कीड़ों पर दावत देते हैं।

सर्दियों में दक्षिण की ओर पलायन करने से बचने के लिए, दाढ़ी वाले स्तन अपने आहार को ईख के बीज में बदल देते हैं। हालांकि, उनके बिल इतने मजबूत नहीं हैं कि सख्त बीज के खोल को तोड़ सकें,
इसलिए उन्हें भी ग्रिट खाना पड़ता है, जो सख्त बीजों को पीसकर सुपाच्य गूदे में बदल देता है।
ग्रिट ट्रे को रणनीतिक रूप से रखा गया है और नरकट का एक क्षेत्र वापस काट दिया गया है, जिससे हमें बर्डर्स को इन अविश्वसनीय रूप से सुंदर दालचीनी रंग के पक्षियों को देखने का एक बेहतर मौका मिलता है, मुख्यतः अक्टूबर के दौरान।
मैंने एक दिन और एक ग्रिट ट्रे को चुना जो पूर्वानुमानित सूर्योदय से जगमगाएगी। मैं 4 फोटोग्राफरों से जुड़ा था। हमने जल्द ही अचूक 'पिंग' ध्वनि सुनी, और पहले पक्षी दिखाई दिए, उसके बाद कई और!

इतने सारे लोगों को देखना एक परम रोमांच था और एक स्मृति जिसे मैं संजो कर रखूंगा।

MELHARUCOS BARBADOS - Reedlings em juncos e bandeja de areia - Panurus biarmicus

O chapim-barbudo (ou junco barbudo) são pássaros extremamente raros e difíceis de ver durante 11 meses do ano, passando o tempo em grandes canaviais, festejando-se com insetos.
Para evitar a migração para o sul no inverno, os seios barbudos mudam sua dieta para sementes de junco. No entanto, seus bicos não são fortes o suficiente para quebrar as cascas de sementes duras,
portanto, eles também precisam comer grãos, que transformam as sementes duras em uma polpa digerível.
As bandejas de areia são estrategicamente colocadas e uma área de juncos é cortada, dando a nós observadores de pássaros uma chance muito melhor de avistar esses pássaros de cor canela incrivelmente bonitos, principalmente durante o mês de outubro.
Escolhi um dia e uma bandeja de areia que se iluminaria com a previsão do nascer do sol. Fui acompanhado por 4 fotógrafos. Logo ouvimos o inconfundível som 'ping', e os primeiros pássaros apareceram, seguidos de muitos mais!

Foi uma emoção absoluta ver tantos e uma memória que irei guardar com carinho.

BEARDED TITS - Reedlings on Reeds and Grit Tray - Panurus biarmicus

Bearded Tits adalah Burung yang sangat sulit dilihat, menghabiskan waktu mereka jauh di dalam alang-alang besar, berpesta serangga.

Mereka mengubah makanan mereka di musim dingin menjadi biji alang-alang. Namun, paruh mereka tidak cukup kuat untuk memecahkan kulit biji yang keras,
jadi mereka harus makan pasir, untuk menggiling biji yang keras menjadi bubur yang dapat dicerna.

Saya memilih hari Oktober dan nampan pasir yang akan diterangi oleh matahari terbit. Saya bergabung dengan 4 fotografer. Kami segera mendengar suara 'ping' mereka, dan Burung pertama muncul, diikuti oleh lebih banyak lagi!

Itu adalah sensasi mutlak untuk melihat begitu banyak dan kenangan yang akan saya hargai