Join the Intention Inspired fam this November for 30 Days of Autumn Creative Journaling Journey.
✨🍂 Welcome to the Bounty of Autumn! 🍂✨
The Autumnal Equinox began on Wednesday, September 22 in 2021. Day and night come into balance and once again we, in turn, balance our energies of darkness and light. We look upon the Abundance of our intentions and we prepare for Harvest and Winter.
Our Creative practice and process becomes all the more exciting with what we have been learning. Autumn gives us an opportunity to be discerning and curious about our Creative Life.
We have basked in the warm, energy of Summer, sown and tended our seeds and with the coming of Autumn we acknowledge, with awe and gratitude, the cycle of all things. The season of ritual, we will use this season to examine our growth and refine the process of our Creativity.
Autumn invites us to experience the fruits of our labor by enjoying them when they are ripe and ready, preserving and storing them for later use or disposal into the compost to be transformed and open up space. In this season of harvest we will clearly define, understand and connect to the Creative in all things.
Thank you for joining us as bring ourselves to life with the power of Creativity!
This is a different kind of active journaling and a journey into the power of Creativity. This is not an "art" course (although we will play with art...color, prose, design, collage, etc.) and you do not have to believe that you are "creative" to participate.
The daily process of the creative journal is really fun and uniquely meaningful to each of us. It need not take more than 15 minutes a day and the return on self-investment is immeasurably rewarding.
Creativity Is a State of Being
Creating is an innate human attribute, available to everyone. We will explore this. You will find so much benefit to daily creative expression and so many areas that creativity can enhance your life. Each person that accepts this challenge and commitment changes the world for the better.
Aside from honoring Autumn, this journey was designed to:
• Examine and reframe our beliefs about our own Creative expression and expand our understanding of how vital Creativity is to our personal growth and our lives.
• Allow us to create and observe ourselves while creating in a space that is non-judgmental, supportive and authentic. You will find that sharing this journey with other co-creators really enhances the journey. We can learn so much and more quickly through the loving support and wisdom of others and sharing ourselves as we learn.
• Remind us of the importance of keeping commitments we make to and for ourselves. If, like me, this was not something you were taught to do, you will find out how powerful this practice of commitment is. This practice allows us to become mindful and self aware and to honor ourselves as we learn.
• Observe ourselves in a fun and active creative format. That is why I chose creative journaling. It is fun and I can learn while I play. My inner child loves it!
• That gives you some idea of what this journey is about. There are many layers to this onion and no matter where you are on your creative journey there is much for all of us to learn about knowing ourselves, loving ourselves and how creativity affects our lives.
🙌 The Autumn Creative Journey is now live!
Check it out at