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nmon and nsum

Update: Latest version handles Dedicated Processor LPARs by using CPU_ALL CPU count & User% and System% time calculation.
For Capacity Planning and Server Consolidation of 10's or 100's of AIX virtual machines, you need to extract only key statistics from the large numbers on .nmon files. It is best to size using the 95th percentile numbers to remove the rare peaks.
The nsum Korn shell scripts automate this for you and does it quickly for all the .nmon files in the current directory. The output is a comma separated values file (,csv) that you can open in a spread sheet to add column totals.
Add the rPerf ratings and you can determine a suitable Power10 servers: number of CPU cores, memory size, disk space, network and Fibre Channel adapters.

Find the article for more information:

Other useful information you will need:

My one page for everything Power10 www.ibm.com/support/pages/ibm-power-systems-power1…

IBM Power Performance Report, POWER7 to Power10, 12 July 2022 

Older Power Servers Performance - IBM Power Systems Performance Report Archive www.ibm.com/downloads/cas/JVLAALRY

Sizing rPerf - don’t forget the assumptions

Note: I have retired from IBM but I am still interesting is supporting and helping nmon and njmon users. Please use nigelargriffiths@hotmail.com from now on.