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Terrance Howard: The Father Of Interdimensional physics, Interdimensional Mathematics

Interdimensional Mathematics: A New Frontier?
At the core of Howard's theories lies the concept of interdimensional mathematics, which he uses to challenge traditional arithmetic and mathematical interpretations. For instance, his provocative claim that “1 x 1 = 2” reflects a desire to reconsider how foundational mathematical principles are applied to the natural world—especially in layers of reality where conventional mathematics may fall short. This challenge to basic arithmetic principles evokes a sense of fundamental re-evaluation akin to what Einstein achieved with relativity.

Howard suggests that our understanding of dimensions is limited, and that traditional mathematics does not fully capture the complexities of nature. His integration of concepts like the “Flower of Life,” a geometric figure representing interconnectedness, implies that mathematics should evolve to reflect the interdependent realities observed in nature. This view aligns with some interpretations of quantum mechanics that suggest interconnected realities influenced by vibrational frequencies and harmonic patterns.
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