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DEFER your TAX HIT Today with the 1031 Exchange #short #shorts #realtor

Curious about the partnership interest rules that accompany a 1031 Exchange? Look no further! Join David Moore in our latest blogcast update, where we cover the various methods to nail your Exchange game.

When it comes to Exchanging, the person or entity relinquishing the property must be the same person or entity receiving the replacement property. Any changes in vesting must be made before or after the exchange and the appropriate seasoning period must be established. The IRS recognizes a partnership as a single entity, a single person. This “person” may exchange real estate, but the individuals who make up the partnership may not exchange their individual shares.

“Drop and Swap”

An exchange where a partnership interest is converted to TIC before the exchange.

“Swap and Drop”

An exchange where a partnership interest is converted after the exchange. As of 2009 the IRS is tracking pre and post 1031 contributions and distributions of partnership interests.