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Sanyasa In The Shanti Parva Of Mahabharata | Sri Shivakumar GV

In the Shanti Parva of the Mahabharata, the concept of Sannyasa (renunciation) is discussed in great detail, especially in the context of duties, responsibilities, and the ideal way of living a spiritual life.

The Shanti Parva (Book of Peace) is one of the longest and most philosophical sections of the Mahabharata, following the great Kurukshetra war. It consists of teachings, instructions, and discourses primarily by Bhishma, who, in his final moments, offers guidance to the Pandavas and others. The parva addresses topics like governance, ethics, dharma, and the ideal way of life in both worldly and spiritual terms. Sannyasa plays a significant role in this philosophical discourse.
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