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Consciousness of a Killer | Inside the Mind and Digital Footprint of Letecia Stauch

#leteciastauch #gannonstauch #SleuthyLucy

On January 27, 2020, Gannon Stauch, an eleven-year-old boy was reported missing from his Colorado Springs home and later determined to have been murdered by his stepmother, Letecia Stauch, who stuffed his body in a suitcase and tossed it over a bridge over 1400 miles away from where he was last seen.

Letecia was convicted of murdering Gannon on May 8, 2023, due to the mountain of evidence stacked against her. In recent history, we would have often been left with the question "why". Why would anyone do something as heinous as this? Gone are those days. Everything you do now is being captured. Whether you realize it or not, your digital footprint provides a glimpse into your most private thoughts.

In the case of Letecia Stauch, it was her digital footprint, which included her text messages and Google searches, that exposed her state of mind before, during, and after the crime, revealing the consciousness of a killer.

In this video, I use court documents, surveillance videos, news clippings, testimony, text messages, Google Searches and GPS data to reconstruct the scene of the crime days leading up to Gannon's murder to May 8, 2023, when Letecia was finally convicted.

Law & Crime
El Paso Sheriff’s Office

Case Suggestions: ItsSleuthyLucy@gmail.com

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*Sources used to collect this information include various public news sites, interviews, court documents, FB groups dedicated to the case, and various news channel segments. When quoting statements made by others, they are strictly alleged until confirmed otherwise. Please remember my videos are my independent opinion and to always do your own research.
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