Going up and down stairs can seem pretty scary on crutches! A simple mnemonic device to ALWAYS remember is, “up with the good and down with the bad” leg. Also imagine that your injured leg and the crutches are best friends. They HAVE to stay together.
To go up the stairs or a curb when you are non-weight bearing, hold your bad leg off the ground, and stand close to the stair. Pushing through your crutches, hop up to the next stair with your good leg. Bring your crutches up to the level you’re standing on and then repeat up the stairs.
To go down the stairs or a curb, hold your bad leg off the ground, and lower your crutches to the next step down. Pushing through your crutches, lower your good leg to that step. And carefully repeat down the steps.
If you are toe touch weight bearing, stand close to the stair, and place your good foot on the stair while you are pushing through your crutches. Your crutches will stay with your bad leg. Then use your good leg to raise your bad leg to the stair, place your toe on the stair, and follow with your crutches. Repeat up the stairs.
To go down the stairs or a curb, place your crutches on the lower stair and then place your bad leg on the lower stair with your toes touching the ground. Push through your crutches as you lower your good leg to the stair. Repeat down the stairs.
If you’re foot flat, weight bearing status, it’s similar to what you just saw, but your foot will be flat. Stand close to the stair, and as you push through your crutches, place your good foot on the stair. Your crutches will stay with your bad leg. Then use your good leg to raise your bad leg to the stair, place your foot flat on the stair, and your crutches follow. Repeat up the stairs.
To go down the stairs or a curb, place your crutches on the lower stair and then place your bad leg on the lower stair with your foot flat keeping weight through your crutches. Push through your crutches as you lower your good leg to the stair. Repeat down the stairs.