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"Surprisingly Savannah" Pop-Up | Head of the Charles Regatta in Boston, MA


Visit Savannah's "Surprisingly Savannah" Immersive Pop-up at the Head of the Charles in Boston, MA.

On October 21st and 22nd, 2023, Visit Savannah welcomed thousands of guests in Cambridge, MA, at the Head of the Charles Regatta for an immersive 4D experiential pop-up recreating the beautiful city of Savannah, Georgia.

Throughout the weekend, attendees savored the music of our Savannah-based musician Laiken Love, indulged in the flavors of local Savannah Bee honey and Savannah Candy Kitchen pralines, participated in painting their own Kipper Millsap Savannah mural, partook in fun social media photo opportunities, and left with customized luggage tags and koozies as keepsakes. Our joint effort resulted in a remarkable success as we left guests with an unforgettable experience. Overall, the pop-up achieved 63,082 engagements and an estimated reach of 970,680.