DVD Link: goo.gl/XlfkPC
"If our happiness is not dependent on anybody else, do you think that we would be more allowing of our partner doing whatever they want to do, if we were in the Vortex?"
Some Abraham points:
"The sooner you make peace with allowing your partner to do whatever they please, the happier you will be."
"There is not a decided right or wrong about that or anything. But there are personal preferences that as individuals you have come to."
"Every subject is really two subjects: what is wanted and the absence of what is wanted. There are a lot of people who are expressing their desire for something, who are actually a vibrational match to its opposite because they've been spending more time thinking about why they don't want that, than they've been thinking about why they want that."
"Your wedding vows are so interesting to us. Until death we do part? We would say something more like, I like you pretty good, let's see how it goes."
"If through life experience you've come to your personal preference, then simply offer a vibration that speaks to your personal preference, and the Universe will deliver to you someone who agrees."
Excerpted from the Sydney, Australia workshop of 3/17/13.
All things Abraham: goo.gl/sAscId
All Abraham-Hicks materials, recordings and workshops are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and may not be shared or re-broadcast without permission.