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「HKAC CREATORS FOR TOMORROW - 無以名狀 ~ 第 II 章 ~ 謬讚之果」藝術家訪談

#培育藝能 #ArtisticEmpowerment


劉杭霖首次個人展覽名爲「Je ne sais quoi」,法語的字面意思是「我不知道」,形容某種吸引人但難以言喻的特質。畫作盛載著一個又一個沒法言明的詭譎秘密。是次展覽為系列的第二章,副標題「KALLISTI 」意指「獻給最美麗的人」,亦正是金蘋果上刻有的文字。果實最終沒有順應字義送給傾國之神,反倒摧毀了整個文明。



In Greek mythology, the golden apple is a fruit of discord: a seemingly mundane fruit was enough to spark the Trojan war, which ultimately subverted and destroyed the Greek civilisation. Life is like playing chess; a blunder can obliterate the future without mercy. Perhaps everything is part of God’s plan and there is some destiny we cannot change, but how much is it influenced by our actions? Is life, after all, always in an invariable state of unknown?

Lau Hong Lam’s first solo exhibition took its title from the French phrase “Je ne sais quoi”, which literally means “I don’t know what”. It is an expression often used to capture appealing but elusive qualities—something evident in his prints as they unravelled one obscure secret after another. The second chapter of this exhibition series is subtitled “KALLISTI”, meaning “to the most beautiful”— the same word that was inscribed on the golden apple. The fruit eventually was not given to the most beautiful goddess; instead, it marked the catastrophic end of an entire civilisation.

To the most beautiful person—does this refer to the chosen one or the person who chooses? The more complicated one feels, the more obsessed they may become. In the process of keeping the secret while seeking for answers, we accidentally fall into chaos…

Details: hkac.org.hk/calendar_detail/?u=jPN6IZUWZpo&lang=en