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The Real Trap of Consumerism

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In this Our Changing Climate climate change video essay, I look at the real trap of consumerism. Specifically, I dive into why consumerism is not actually the real cause of exploitation and the climate crisis, but instead a symptom of capitalism. Capitalist overproduction drives companies and corporations to create false needs and desires, which leads to overconsumption. We need to shift our attention away from consumerism and overconsumption and towards overproduction.

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Further Reading and Resources: ourchangingclimate.notion.site/Consumerism-Trap-Re…

For music, I use Artlist. You can get 2 months free with this link: artlist.io/artlist-70446/?artlist_aid=occ_2345&utm…
For stock footage, I use Artgrid. You can get 2 months free with this link:

I also use Epidemic Sound for some of my music: epidemicsound.com/creator
Some visuals courtesy of Getty Images

0:00 - Intro
2:07 - Overconsumption is Everywhere?
6:04 - What's Really Causing These Problems?
9:26 - The Trap of Consumerism
16:26 - How Do We Combat Consumerism?

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Climate Town:    / @climatetown  
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All About Climate:    / @allaboutclimate  
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Planet Proof:    / @planetproofofficial  
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#socialism #consumerism #climatechange