I know I have spoke a little bit over the years about what happed to me in the Army etc, but I have never really explained how art saved my life. I will also talk about my reluctance to relate to myself as an artist, listen to the video and I think you will understand where I am coming from. This is not a video seeking sympathy, with this being Mental Health Awareness Month here in the U.K. (1st of May to 31st of May), I am hoping that if there is anyone suffering with Mental Health or they have a loved one suffering, then perhaps what I say could start the process of them seeking help and a way of managing mental health issues.
I would like to say that the content of this video could be triggering to some people and so please be aware of this before watching. I do not explain graphic material however my story could be seen as too emotional for some.
I'd rather not put an age restriction on this video because unfortunately mental health has a terrible grasp on our young people of today and so if my own experience can help just one young person, I would be delighted, any more than one and it is a huge bonus.
I am obviously not a doctor, in this video I simply share my own experience and would advise anyone who thinks they may be suffering with Mental Health, to seek professional help from a Doctor or Mental Health Professional.
There used to be a myth among those suffering with mental health issues that only the weak become subjected to such a thing, I hope listening to my video will help dispel this myth from ever being attributed to anyone suffering with mental health issues.