6いいね 135回再生

CONSCIOUSNESS MEDITATION 💡 create external wealth through internal states of being

In today's 5-minute meditation, we'll use the image of an abundant river to acknowledge our fears, dismantle barriers to wealth, and affirm our worthiness, welcoming abundance into our lives.

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As we begin, find a comfortable position, seated or lying down, and close your eyes. Let's take a few deep breaths, inhaling through the nose, hold for a moment, and then exhale fully through the mouth.

Now, I want you to imagine a beautiful river in front of you. It's not an ordinary river. It is a river of golden light, symbolizing abundance. See the golden light as it dances and sparkles, flowing freely, boundlessly.

As you watch this river, recognize any feelings of wanting to grasp or control it. Observe any fears that arise about this river passing you by. Then, gently remind yourself: there is no need to control or grasp. The river is infinite and always available to you. It is the river of abundance that naturally flows through life.

Now, visualize your heart as a dam that you've built to control the flow of this river. Within this dam lie your fears, hesitations, and doubts - the barriers against abundance. Take a moment to acknowledge them without judgment.

Deep breath in as we prepare to dismantle this dam. Releasing the breath, we naturally invite a softening into the body, allowing the river of abundance to flow more freely into your life. Feel it wash over you, filling every corner of your being, soothing your fears, clearing your doubts.

Perhaps affirming to yourself: "I am worthy of abundance. I receive with gratitude and give with joy."

Let this affirmation flow with the river, amplifying its power.

As we end this meditation, take a moment to bask in the golden glow of abundance that now fills you.

When you're ready, slowly bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings and gently open your eyes, carrying this feeling of abundance with you throughout your da