FULL POST: astrobackyard.com/strain-wave-mounts/
While it’s clear that the vast majority of the amateur astrophotography community has welcomed the ZWO AM5 with open arms, it is not the only strain wave or harmonic drive equatorial telescope mount on the market.
ZWO AM3: bit.ly/44E7LAa
ZWO AM5: bit.ly/4aP85jG
iOptron HAE29: bit.ly/3UIpX9X
iOptron HAE43: bit.ly/3wkceg9
Sky-Watcher Wave 100i: bit.ly/4aaJCnf
Sky-Watcher Wave 150i: bit.ly/4b1WEoA
Pegasus Astro NYX-101: bit.ly/3xX9G84
IMAGE PROCESSING GUIDE: bit.ly/astro-processing
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Camera: amzn.to/3uQsGz6
Lens: amzn.to/2Oicd60
Microphone: amzn.to/2MIRbgq
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