459いいね 99191回再生

タジマ TAJIMA セフ満載ツールボックスシリーズ いろいろ入れてみた!

Tajima's tool box and cart series released in full force!

Speaking of Tajima, it's "SEF♪"!

The specifications are designed to make full use of its functions!

I am an old man who loves PACKOUT.

I was so excited to see how well the tools fit in the box...

Because it is a very good size for the cargo space of a light van

I am thinking of using it together with PACKOUT!

I tried storing my tools in it, and here's how it looks like...

Tajima's tool box and cart with safety function

Cuore Works instagram

Cuore Works Instagram account for original products.

Cuore Works store is here.

#tajima #seftoolbox #tajimatoolbox