The past indefinite tense, also known as the simple past tense, is used to talk about actions or events that started and ended in the past. It's pretty straightforward. You just need to use the past tense form of the verb.
For example:
I played hockey with Salman.
We went to the zoo.
She purchased a pen.
You surprised him.
He embraced Islam.
They laughed at us.
Asad woke up early that morning.
Nayab and Sema shared this video.
Simple past tense or past indefinite tense is also used to show possession of something in the past and the past state of being.
For example:
I had a pen.
She had your secrets.
Yousaf was a cricketer.
They were fine.
The past indefinite tense or simple past tense doesn't have any specific time duration. It's all about what happened in the past. So, when you want to talk about something that happened at a specific time or a completed action, you can use the past indefinite tense.
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