5いいね 30回再生

Pick A Card ☆ New Moon in Gemini ♊️ #pickacard @mayaloklifeart #newmoon

Hi... I am SILK your tarot reader by heart Thank you for visiting my channel! @mayaloklifeart

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⏲️ Timestamps ⏲️
Introduction: 00:17
Pile 1 (A-M): 00:47
Pile 2 (N-Z) : 13:54

Disclaimer: This is a general reading for 18+ age viewers! Take what resonates leave what doesn't 🙏❤️!Please remember this reading is for guidance and entertainment purpose only. Please follow your intuition to take decision.💜We are not responsible for any action based on this video!

●What is your life Purpose Reading:
   • Pick a card |● Life purpose ●☆ Guidan...  

●Marriage Predictions Love or Arrange:
   • Marriage 💑 LOVE or Arranged? Who is y...  

●Who are you destined to be with:
   • ☆Who you are destined to be With🔮🔮❤️👀...  

●No contact! Kab tak contact hoga :
   • Pick a Card |● No Contact,  Kab hoga ...  

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#tarot ##newmoon #pickacard #currentthoughts #currentfeelings #divineguidance #june #destiny #generalreading #hinditarotreading #Reconciliation #generalreading #pickacard #lifepurpose #futurespouse #channelednessages #futurespouse #lifeaftermarriage #truelove #timelessreading #currentthoughtsofyourperson #channeledmessages #nextaction #2024 #compatibilitytest #currentthoughts #channeledlovemessages #truelove #futurespouse #marriageprediction