Florent Menegaux is the CEO of Michelin, the the largest tire maker in the world. Under the banner of Responsabilisation (French for “empowerment”), Michelin has dramatically increased the authority and accountability of its frontline workers, reversing automotive industry's decades-long trend of centralization. In this episode of the New Human Movement episode, we dive into the details on Michelin's transformation and unpack the lessons learned. These (unsurprisingly) defy the conventional wisdom on leadership and organizational change.
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"Harnessing Everyday Genius" (Harvard Business Review): hbr.org/2020/07/harnessing-everyday-genius
"Power to the Workers: Michelin's Great Experiment" (Financial Times): www.ft.com/content/4767ebf6-33f7-11e7-bce4-9023f8c…
"Finding a New Model of Organization and Management at Michelin" (Le journal de l'école de Paris du management): www.cairn-int.info/article-E_JEPAM_126_0038--findi…