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Do You Blame God For Your Disabled Child?

Let’s talk about it! Do you ever find yourself asking, "God, why did you allow this?" It's a tough question, and today I’m getting real about it. In this episode, I share my journey of wrestling with God over the pain and challenges of raising two special needs children. Is it okay to be angry, to grieve, or to feel stuck? Yes—but God doesn’t leave us there.

We’ll dive into what it looks like to bring those raw emotions to Jesus, process the hard stuff with Him, and start releasing the blame. I’ll talk about the power of taking thoughts captive, learning to trust God’s goodness even when life feels unfair, and choosing gratitude in the storm.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or questioning God’s plan, this one’s for you. Let’s navigate this together and discover how He meets us with peace, hope, and purpose—even at 1 a.m.