My dear Idealist and Visionary family let's have some fun and just stream. I love when I plan out a stream especially for my gaming or my podcasts, but who says i cant just stream and do whatever I want on a regular bases. So that's what I'm gonna do so stick around its about to get wild and fun. Also, trust me when I say you won’t want to miss any of the shenanigans! Plus I wanna talk conventions so lets make it happen! So, this is the original Idealist IDEAL TONE and I always make that fact known! #truewords #idealist #idealistic #visionary #Anime #animemation #gaming #videogames #podcast #streaming #livestreaming
Side Note:
I truly appreciate all of you who continue to watch my content as well as my streams. I truly love bringing my ideas to life and showing you all a good time whether it be by myself or with my goofy friends and guest on my streams. I just love expressing my thoughts on anime and video games alike. Please continue to watch and support while I do my best to show you all a good time.
Music in this video is by DNO check him out on his sound cloud.
DNO's Platforms
Instagram: @dopeman_dno
Sound Cloud:
Idealisticon 2025 TBA!…
I do not own rights to any video clips that are shown in this video all rights belong to its Developers.
Social Media Links (follow ya boy!):
Discount code for Switch series: IDEALTONE10
Like My Dashiki Swag well here the Website check them out:
Side Note:
I truly appreciate all of you who continue to watch my content as well as my streams. I truly love bringing my ideas to life and showing you all a good time whether it be by myself or with my goofy friends and guest on my streams. I just love expressing my thoughts on anime and video games alike. Please continue to watch and support while I do my best to show you all a good time.
Music in this video is by DNO check him out on his sound cloud.
DNO's Platforms
Instagram: @dopeman_dno
Sound Cloud:
I do not own rights to any video clips that are shown in this video all rights belong to its Developers.
Social Media Links (follow ya boy!):
Discount code for Switch series: IDEALTONE10
Like My Dashiki Swag well here the Website check them out: