Hi Friends, I cannot believe it is already July!! This year has gone by faster than other years and I feel behind. Anywho, it is July and now is the time to get seeds planted for the winter/overwintering garden. The best thing about veggies after the frosts come, is that they get really sweet due to the natural antifreeze aka sugar. Everyone who know me knows that late fall/winter carrots are my favorite. I know we are just entering the warmest part of the year, but it is also time to start your garden for the coldest part of the year.
Also, in this video I filmed from the turkey/chicken enclosure. I know my turkey boys love to be heard on the videos and many of you ask about them. I thought it would be fun to film where you could see them strutting around in the background. I know the video is a hair noisier, but hopefully you enjoy seeing them as much as I do.
As always, my timelines are for my area and even then, subject to the weather. Your microclimate might be different or you might be in a different part of the world. Either way, trying new things in the garden is fun and hopefully rewarding.
As always, thank you for watching and please share what you are planting or what you have going on in your garden.
#gardeningforbeginners #pnwgardening #zone8b #wintergarden #gardeningtube #seedstarting #julygardening