My brothers & my sisters, please allow me to encourage you in this time. Allot of people are upset, angry, frustrated and afraid. Regardless if you identify as democrat, independent or republican, Black, White, Hispanic, Muslim, Asian or other, know that we can and will get through this if we stick together. For just a little while can we stop focusing on what color or political party that you identify with. The only race that matters is the HUMAN race.
If you cut us, we all will bleed. I sincerely believe that we have more in common then the media wants us to believe. For those who feel superior to others based on any of the above factors please know that you are wrong, and in fact for those "patriots" The Fourteenth Amendment was passed after the Civil War to guarantee equal civil and legal rights to ALL citizens. We are ALL equal under the law of the land that you claim to be so patriotic too.
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) would enshrine equal rights for men and women in the Constitution. I trust in God, and I encourage you to do the same because HE is in control! God does not show favor so if you love God, you MUST love your fellow man, ALL of US are equal in the eyes of God. We ALL sin and have come short and have missed the mark many times.
We will win if we trust & believe in God, and His Word. I love you all!
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Life can be joyous, but it can also be stressful (God help us) you can call if you need help, and there is NOTHING wrong wit needing help, WE ALL do sometimes. CALL 988 if you need to! Help is available
Speak with someone today. Call 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Remember, It's okay to not be okay!
As always, request are always welcome! Thank you for your time!!!