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幽遊白書特別編 飛影 邪王炎殺黑龍波 Yu Yu Hakusho Tokubetsuhen Hiei Dragon of the Darkness Flame

Dragon of the Darkness Flame Festival!
Yu Yu Hakusho 3 Tokubetsuhen SNES, using Hiei, fast-killing the enemies with Dragon of the Darkness Flame, end Tournament Mode (Level S) with more than 700 pts (S Rank).
超任幽遊白書特別編(幽遊白書3), 使用飛影(難度是S級), 在淘汰賽中使用邪王炎殺黑龍波秒殺對手, 以超過700分勝出並獲得S級評價.