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The USSR - Summary on a map

The history of the USSR on maps, from the eve of the First World War, until the fall of the USSR in 1991.

This video is the third and last part on the history of Russia:
The Origins of Russia:    • The origins of Russia - Summary on a Map  
The Russian Empire:    • The Russian Empire - Summary on a map  
Support the channel on Patreon: www.patreon.com/geohistory
English translation & voiceover: Matthew Bates www.epicvoiceover.com/
Original French version:    • L'URSS  - résumé sur cartes  
Russian version:    • Советский союз - история на карте  
Arabic version:    • الاتحاد السوفيتي  
Spanish version:    • La URSS - Historia y resumen con mapa  
Portuguese version (Brazil):    • URSS - UNIÃO SOVIÉTICA: Ascensão e queda  
Japanese version:    • ソビエト連邦の歴史  
German version:    • Die UdSSR - Zusammenfassung der Sowje...  
Corean version:    • 소련 (소비에트 사회주의 공화국 연방) - 지도로 보는 소련의 역사  
Music: Made for Geo History by Ledge End: www.beatstars.com/ledgeend
Software: Adobe After Effects
00:00 Situation before WWI
01:17 World War I
02:12 The end of the Romanov dynasty
03:18 The October Revolution
04:56 The Russian Civil War
07:38 Stalin
08:57 International Destabilization
11:00 World War II
12:40 The Great Patriotic War
14:20 Turning Point
15:55 The Cold War
17:35 Khrushchev
19:26 The United States
21:09 The dissolution of the Soviet Union

#geohistory #ussr #coldwar #russia #history