6いいね 70回再生

Chat Help I've Actually Forgotten What I'm Supposed To Be Doing | Minecraft Direwolf20 1.12

I’m Lulu! (She/Her), I’m a cyberspace maiden who occasionally plays video games :)

Give me money: ko-fi.com/otomelulu
Model + Rigging: x.com/Maple_Takoyak1
Twitter: x.com/OtomeLulu
We have a Discord! discord.gg/9Nh6QJySjd

1. Be nice to other viewers. Do not spam, troll, or argue with one another.
2. Don’t engage with spammers, just block/report them
3. Do not reveal personal information about anyone, including yourself.
4. Please keep chat about the stream.
5. Avoid controversial topics.
6. Please don’t mention other streamers in chat unless I bring them up.
7. No backseating! (Unless I ask for it)
8. If it wasn’t obvious, I’m transgender. I’m not a huge fan of jokes around this so please avoid making them :)
9. Mod/my word is final, just because it isn’t directly in the rules that doesn’t mean we can’t ban you.

Check Out SiIvagunner

Music accidentally courtesy of:    • '재즛토마요'🎺 | 즛토마요 재즈편곡 플리 pt.I [playlist]  

Start screen: dova-s.jp/bgm/play15188.html
Chatting: dova-s.jp/bgm/play20512.html
Gaming: dova-s.jp/bgm/play20248.html
End Screen: dova-s.jp/bgm/play20781.html