Tasnim Sulaiman, Founder and Executive Director of Black Men Heal, and Doug Reed, Director of Partnerships of Black Men Heal, delivered their Stand at Stand Together Foundation’s March Catalyst Summit, hosted at Mobile Loaves & Fishes’ Community First! Village in Austin, Texas.
Black Men Heal provides complementary therapy sessions to Black and Brown men seeking mental health care. Minority men are especially susceptible to mental health conditions yet face a variety of barriers that disallow them from receiving needed care. Black Men Heal helps these individuals overcome these barriers, matches them with Black and Brown mental health clinicians, and encourages the men to openly share their mental health experiences with their peers. This serves to destigmatize the topic of mental health, paving the way for more men in the community to seek care and find their own healing.
Stand Together Foundation is committed to breaking the cycle of poverty in America by driving change from within communities. We are building a community of social entrepreneurs who believe in people, work from the bottom up, and unite with anyone to do right. Since 2016, we have committed $120 million and counting to fuel the innovation of nonprofits throughout the country to build stronger, safer communities where all people can learn, contribute, and realize their full potential. Our goal is to help nonprofit leaders maximize their impact to transform more lives out of poverty.
Learn more about Stand Together Foundation at www.StandTogetherFoundation.org.
Lean more about Black Men Heal at blackmenheal.org/