957いいね 37194回再生


Adair triple murder
   • 冷案十年懸而未決,保險箱揭露事件真相,兇手令人意想不到,阿代爾三重謀殺案  

Slater kidnapping
   • 女孩七天受盡磨難,仟人追兇無功而返,電影般的追捕行動  

Bunny Girl Murder
   • 花花公子女郎與真人秀百萬富翁閃婚,不久後被裝進行李箱,兔女郎謀殺案  

Michelle Murder
   • 女子深夜下班與不是丈夫的男子去了酒店,第二天被發現死在自己的汽車內,雪地裡...  

Gymnastics Girls in the Wild
   • 一起普通的失蹤案居然受到全國的關註,案件的複雜程度超出想象,兇手的父親成了...  

Boston serial murders
   • 兇手長的很帥,記憶力極強,卻在監獄裡被謀殺,波士頓連環謀殺案  

The body in the apartment at 10 Wellington.
   • 舊公寓內的墻體內發現屍體,三年後相同地點再次發生兇案,瑞靈頓10號公寓藏屍事件  

Hamana Lake Murder Case
   • 嫌疑人始終保持沈默,獄友證詞成為破案關鍵,濱名湖連續殺害事件  

This video does not promote evil forces.
It is just a reminder and a reminder
Don't be impulsive and regret it for the rest of your life.
Cherish Life - Stay Away from Crime

The purpose of the video is to
Raise awareness and prevent recurrence
Awareness of crime prevention

❅ All material in the video is quoted with fair use and no infringement of copyright or image rights is intended.

The content of the video is based on RNZ, The Times, The Sunday Times, PHPWind
The Times, The Sunday Times, PHPWind and SPA!