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Kiriko will not be stopped #overwatch2 #season3 #shorts

Kiriko is a nightmare, if you do get to hit her she will already cleanse and heal! she will not be stopped

#overwatch2 #shorts #season3 #newmap #kirito

Overwatch 2 Season 3 is expected to launch on February 7. The season will include a new map, changes to the reward system, new skins, and a Battle Pass. Additionally, changes are expected to the ultimate charge system, Sojourn Mercy pairing, nerfs to tanks in open queue and ultimate.

I may not be as good as Flats or have those epic moments,
I also may not be making exciting music vidoes with Kanye West or other top music people, and I certainly dont do vlogs. most valuable, THIS Is How You Counter, Maybe some How to tutorial, soon short clips and memes gaming memes an gaming moments are the best. Mr Beast vlogging with Elon Musk would be something alright.