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T32 - No Gold 3 Marks of Excellence! • #36 • The Grind S7

So I have resorted to using the food consumable since I really wasn't enjoying my time playing the game without it. So from here on out I will be using food on all my tanks. We did, however, unlock the M103 and gain the 3rd mark of excellence on the T32!

Tank: T32 - Tier 8 American Heavy Tank

🤔 What is "The Grind" Series?
The Grind is a video series where I will go down a tech tree (This season is the T110E5) and do a complete walk through/play through of the entire line. Season 7 onwards will be without any premium / gold ammunition.

⚙️ My Mods and Settings:    • Mods & Settings Guide • World of Tanks  

📃 Premium Tank Worth List: www.maxgamingfps.com/premium-worth-list

🔗 My Links:
Website: maxgamingfps.com/
Discord: maxgamingfps.com/discord
Twitch: twitch.tv/MaxGamingFPS
Patreon: www.patreon.com/MaxGamingFPS

💰 Affiliate Links:
Amazon (UK): amzn.to/3Ge9JME
CDKeys (Cheap Game Keys): cdkeys.pxf.io/oq4aDo

🏛️ My WOT Clans:
EU region only.
(Main Clan) KEKL: eu.wargaming.net/clans/wot/500194778
(Sister Clan - No Requirements) POGU: eu.wargaming.net/clans/wot/500214323

⏲️ Timestamps:
00:00 - I made some changes...
01:54 - Unlocking & Setting up the M103
05:23 - Best T32 Game
17:28 - T32 3rd Mark of Excellence Game

🏷️ Tags:
#worldoftanks #wot #thegrind #t32