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Human existence is not unreal-All existence is one and real

Today to clarify whether human existence is real or unreal. Human existence is not unreal. All existence is one and real. All existence is not physical, while some levels of existence can be experienced as physical due to processing through the thoughts.
Misunderstanding, we equate real and physical. We wrongly assume that human reality is physical, because that’s how we experience it through fixation on the thoughts. There’s no matter in it, but experiences are real. Real doesn’t mean physical, it just means that exists. Same with the dreams. They’re not physical in nature, but they’re experienced as such. They’re real all right, same as everyday human experiences while awake.
We make 2 basic mistakes when discussing human existence:
1/ we assume that real means physical;
2/we don’t differentiate between the experience of existence and existence itself.
Thus we end up in some sort of real and unreal division of existence, which only confuses everything, and makes life awkward. It creates this huge divide between human existence as we experience it in everyday life, and existence that we experience directly, without processing through mental concepts. It’s not the way it is. All existence is one, nothing is outside it, and all different experiences can be had simultaneously. They’re all real, whether they’re experienced as physical or not. Our dream experiences are real, our vivid imagination experiences are real, our everyday experiences while awake and engaging with the thoughts are real, as well as those we’re having when focusing inwards and detaching from the thoughts.
When connected to pure, unprocessed existence, all these different experiences can be had at once. There is no real and unreal. There is one undivided existence, regardless of how it’s experienced. All these different experiences have their place inside the whole, undivided existence. We don’t need to run away or devalue different types of experiences by labelling them unreal, just because they are not physical. They’re real all right, they are just not physical. As is existence itself, not physical. One and undivided and real.

Hope this helps.

Take care,