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The Future of Fairness: AI Bias & Ethics with SMPTE President Renard T. Jenkins

Welcome to Episode 8 of the Curious Refuge Podcast! Our guest today is one of the most accomplished people we’ve ever had the pleasure of chatting with on the podcast. Renard T. Jenkins is a senior executive in Hollywood and the current president of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (also known as SMPTE ) and on the board of the Hollywood Professional Association.

Renard has two Emmy’s and a Peabody among other awards. The Television Academy awarded him the innovator of the Year award for 2017.

Renard has worked in various leadership capacities around the industry ranging from Senior Vice president of Integration & Creative technology series at Warner Brothers all the way to VP of operations, engineering, and distribution at PBS. He also holds degrees and certifications in various executive and technological fields from schools like MIT, UC Berkley, Cornell, & Florida State.

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