00:00 Introduction
02:00 Zero conditional sentences
06:00 First conditional sentences
12:10 Second conditional sentences
23:10 Third conditional sentences
Zero Conditional:
Used for general truths or facts.
Structure: If + present simple, present simple.
If we heat ice, it melts.
If you drop an apple, it falls down.
If you hit the like button, it turns black.
First Conditional:
Possible condition & its likely result.
Structure: If + present simple, will/may/might + base form.
If it rains tomorrow, I will bring an umbrella.
If they invite him, he might come.
If I complete 100k subscribers by next year, I may buy a car.
Second Conditional:
Hypothetical condition but possible to happen
Structure: If + past simple, would / could + base form.
If I won the lottery, I would buy a castle.
If I were a superhero, I could save Gaza.
If they was/were here, they would help us.
If I had a million dollars, I would travel around the world.
If you learned to speak English, you would get this job.
Third Conditional:
Hypothetical conditions in the past that are impossible to happen.
Structure: If + past perfect, would/could have + past participle.
If I had told him the truth, he would not have killed her.
If they had informed me earlier, I could have helped them.
If he had not studied well, he could not have passed the test.
If they had arrived on time, they would have caught the train.
Conditional sentences are formed with an "if clause" (also known as the conditional clause) and a main clause. The "if clause" introduces the condition, while the main clause expresses the result or consequence.
Conditional probability
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