1いいね 13回再生

Mignon Geli @ Friday Night Opening Reception

Eugene Environmental Film Festival
October 4-6, 2019

Friday Night Opening Reception

Mignon Geli was born in San Francisco, California. She is of Filipino, Spanish, and Mayan ancestry. For the past 17 years, Mignon has been living in the California Sierra Foothills by Coloma, in Nisenan-Maidu country. Thirteen years ago, her son gifted her with a native wood flute. She is self-taught, plays by ear, and has added native drums to her repertoire. She can flute along in many genres of music from traditional native to contemporary native, to folk, rock, jazz, funk, soul, etc. Mignon is also a member of the Neena McNair Family Singers, a multi-cultural women’s traditional native drum group. 5:30pm