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No Step 2CS & ECFMG Alternative Certification Pathways

(UPDATE) As of January 26th, 2021 - USMLE Announces TERMINATION OF USMLE STEP 2CS: covid.usmle.org/announcements/work-relaunch-usmle-…

Also on January 26th, 2021 the ECFMG has announced an expansion of Alternative Pathways in order for qualified IMGs to continue to be ECFMG Certification Eligible: www.ecfmg.org/news/2021/01/26/ecfmgfaimer-will-off…


The ECFMG has announced 5 alternative Step 2CS pathways for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) seeking eligibility for the 2021 Match Cycle - as Step 2CS has been delayed by the USMLE by 12-18 months.

Read Full Article: blog.matcharesident.com/ecfmg-announces-alternativ…

English Language Proficiency Assessment: www.ecfmg.org/certification-requirements-2021-matc…

Medical Schools Eligible for Pathway 3: www.ecfmg.org/certification-requirements-2021-matc…

Medical Schools Eligible for Pathway 4: www.ecfmg.org/certification-requirements-2021-matc…


"ECFMG will consider exceptions for individuals in the following limited, circumstances.

An exception to the eligibility requirements for Pathways 3, 4, and 5 that: applicants have taken or been registered for any USMLE Step or Step Component since January 1, 2018; and that the date of graduation must be on or after January 1, 2018; will be considered if the applicant can demonstrate one of the following:
Enrollment in an advanced degree program in health care or related degree (e.g., MPH, PhD program)
Active participation in basic or clinical science-related research
Current employment as an advanced clinical care provider in a clinical setting in the United States (will require license with no disciplinary action)
An exception to the eligibility requirement for all pathways that applicants have taken or been registered for any USMLE Step or Step Component since January 1, 2018 will be considered if the applicant can demonstrate significant, substantive barriers that prevented these activities or delayed completion of the ECFMG certification process. Examples of barriers that may be acceptable include a requirement for military service, displacement due to refugee status, documentation of major medical issue (applicant or immediate family member), and academic pursuits.

If you believe you qualify for an exception based on the limited circumstances above, you will be able to submit your request for exception as part of the pathway application process when it becomes available. Requests for exception will not be considered in advance of application, and there is no guarantee that such requests for exception will be granted.

If you are ineligible for the pathways and the limited exceptions for the 2021 Match, you should monitor the ECFMG website, since we are developing longer-term plans for applicants to future Matches. In the interim, you can continue to pursue other requirements for ECFMG Certification, such as passing Step 1 and Step 2 CK." www.ecfmg.org/certification-requirements-2021-matc…

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