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驚異!タイヤ800本を自由自在に動かす特殊車両 Marvel. Special-purpose vehicle that moves 800 tires freely

タイヤ800本を自由自在に油圧の力で動かすことが出来る特殊な車両、時速1kmで移動しながらとてつもないモジュールを台船まで運ぶこの車両の運転技術に皆さんは驚かされることでしょう、是非ご覧下さい。Please it is surprised, and see you by all means the driving skill of this carried vehicle until the salvage barge of an extraordinary module moving by the power of the oil pressure of 800 tires freely at a speed of the special vehicle that can be moved and 1km per hour.