SYBSC Computer Science Data Strucutre Practical ||
DS Practical ||
Write a program to implement Singly Linked list with insertion, deletion, traversal operations ||
Python Programming ||
• 00:00 - Intro
• 00:19 - Singly Link List Animation
• 00:48 - Define class node
• 01:21 - Define new class SinglyLinkedList
• 01:45 - Insert new node at the end
• 02:58 - Insert new node at the beginning
• 03:40 - Delete the first node
• 05:29 - Prints all the nodes
• 06:15 - New object is created
• 06:29 - Traverse Output
• 08:55 - Delete Node
• 10:30 - Final output
• 10:45 - End Screen