Welcome back to Christ First Homemaking! We will be restocking our kitchen with some much-needed ingredients to start our week off strong! When we trust in the Lord we find that he can help us in the smallest to biggest of ways! All the cleaning schedules and recipe videos are linked below! All Things Are Sufficient Through Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ 🤎
#homemaker #homemaking #sahm #woman #vlog #tips
Pancake Mix- • Christian Homemaking Vlog | Battle Fi...
Website- christ-first-homemaking.ck.page/profile
Homemaking Tip Jar- christ-first-homemaking.ck.page/products/
Home Page- christ-first-homemaking.ck.page/da27f89dc8
Amazon Wish List- www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/BNX365C2WNN6?ref_=wl…
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